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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Crocodile Tears - Kerrville Good Ol' Boys Can Dish It Out but Can't Take It

It appears that the developers, liberals, democrats, financiers and leaches on the government tit need a safe room so they don't get their feelings hurt too bad.

The local paper published a guest opinion piece last week by TJ McDonald, a developer who wants more taxpayer money poured into the Callioux Foundation projects on Holdsworth. He titled it 'Same swamp, different alligators,' leaving no doubt he meant Mayor Bonnie White and other conservatives.

But when some of Blackburn's backers saw a photoshopped picture of Blackburn with his former mayor supporters with crocodilian heads the snowflakes melted down! According to Aaron Yates at KerrvilleUnited.com, it's ugly, dirty, nasty campaigning.  Wahwahwah!!! Boohoohoo!!

Let's get real people. Mr. Yates and the crybabies posting on his website are crying crocodile tears - they are delighted to think they have something to inflame the voters. They're no different from the agitators at Black Lives Matter or the titty babies on college campuses who cried for days when their idol Hillary lost to Trump.

1 comment:

  1. The runup to this election is a good primer for those new to Kerrville. Watch the moves of the interested parties, the comments in the KDT and social media. You will see rarely used, but accurate words and phrases like corruption, backroom dealing, unethical, conflict of interest....ect. While directionally correct, most of the folks speaking up now are upset because their piece of the government pie is in danger. What they are complaining about is business as usual in Kerrville. They only speak up now because the election will determine how the government pie is cut up. This is the bottom line. Too old and foggy to compete with real entrepreneurs, they take the easy route to the entrails, like the crow.
